Wizkidz Academy | Mission & Vision

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Our Mission

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WizKidz Academy’s mission is to be a World Class Indian Pre-School. The objective is to 1) help students discover their talents, develop skills needed for success in future studies and establish values that will allow them to act with thoughtfulness in society 2) build sound franchises across distinct geographical spreads so as to be the preferred provider of education services for toddlers, Play Way, Pre Nursery, Nursery and KG students, and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the School’s risk appetite. The school is committed to maintain the highest level of Professional Integrity and Ethical Standards.

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Our Vision

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Wizkidz Academy provides a safe, secure, and stimulating learning atmosphere with an equal emphasis on curriculum, creativity, and physical activity. The school aims to make students outstanding global citizens, who have respect for fellow human beings and responsibility towards the natural environment. We recognize that all aspects of a child’s development are interwoven, and hence our programmesfoster intellectual, physical, lingual, social, emotional, and creative growth in an atmosphere nurtured by love and care.

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Wizkidz Motto

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Quality and consistency, an all early year settings, so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind;
A secure foundation, through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child and are assessed and reviewed regularly;
Partnership working between our educators and parents. We help the parents in improving their parenting skills for a better parenting experience. The teachers work in an empowering environment where they continuously expand their horizons and improve their skills.

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The School is committed to maintain the highest level of Ethical Standards, Professional Integrity and diligently work on the philosophy based on 6 Core Values. Every member of the Wizkidz Academy team is committed to these six core values

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  • Child First


    We have Child Centric Environment. Activities and Equipment’s support active learning for children. Our Teacher-to-Child ratio supports personalized learning and developed outcomes.


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  • Holistic Child Development


    We foster all aspects of children’s growth and development including problem-solving skills, empathy and respect, independence, language, social development, self-esteem and confidence. Our curriculum and quality interaction with every child allows them to learn through integrated experiences.


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  • Relationship


    We work best in tandem: teachers collaborating, parents as partners, students and teachers in synergy. We believe it is relationships that not only make us learn more, but make learning fun and worthwhile.


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  • Care with Passion


    Demonstrate exchangeable energy to win and excel. We care for each other like family. We look out for each other’s well-being and encourage each other to pursue their happiness. Like parents, we protect the magic of childhood and let children enjoy being children.


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  • Commitment


    We provide a welcoming environment and work meticulously to accommodate the unique needs of every child, thereby standing committed with every relation. We are fiscally responsible, socially aware and environmentally conscious in all that we do


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  • Excellence


    We invest in our staff to provide the highest quality environment through extensive and on-going training and professional development. Our staffs are NTT Qualified which represents a wide variety of professional backgrounds and perspectives

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